I teamed with a terrific marketing person, and together we created this site for STAF (Save the Animals Foundation). We conferred on most everything, but I was the designer, she was the writer/client contact person.
STAF already had a site which needed to be paired down, streamlined, and made more professional and user-friendly.
WordPress was the perfect solution that I proposed. Well, I knew it was perfect, but the very knowledgeable web volunteers initially hated the idea, due to the correct, but limited assumption that WordPress is only for simple cookie-cutter blogging sites. (Read more about what I think of WordPress here.)
I was able to provide:
- a very customized emotional, yet organized design for the site
- training to make it easy for ANY volunteer to update the site
- very specific web tools that are easily managed though WordPress.
The main tool I suggested was an easy-to-update calendar system, where you can create single events, OR recurring events, in one action. Wooo. Saved time. PLUS I set it up so that the home page automatically puts the most current coming event there, AUTOMATICALLY. (Yes, there were "whoops" of glee when I demonstrated that; no one has to do this manually, ever.)
Another tool I set up helps STAF add and promote animals to adopt (DO check them' little critters out...). I set up a rotating click-through system to present and browse an unlimited number of perfect pets and "forever homes".
Check it out!
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